Worksite Agreement

New Castle County Department of Community Services and Youth Workforce Development Program Worksite Partner Agreement

This Agreement establishes a partnership between the New Castle County Department of Community Services (County) and the worksite partner (partner) to administer the Youth Workforce Development Program (YWDP).


I. Purpose and Scope of the Youth Workforce Development Program

New Castle County and its partners will prepare youth for participation in the labor force by providing meaningful work placements and training that will result in increased employment and earnings, increased educational and occupational skills credentials, and decreased welfare dependency, thereby improving the quality of the workforce and enhancing its productivity and competitiveness.

The Target Population for the Youth Workforce Development Program will be youth meeting the following eligibility criteria:

  • Is age 14-21
  • Is a low-income to moderate-income individual as defined by funding source requirements
  • Or, has been selected as a percentage of Youth Workforce Development Employees not required to meet income eligibility standards


II. Responsibilities

The partner organization will appoint a person to serve as the official contact and coordinator of all activities associated with carrying out this agreement. The partner will work directly with:


  • Ray Gravuer
    New Castle County Department of Community Services
    Gilliam Building
    77 Reads Way, New Castle, DE 19720
    (302) 395-5640


  • Michael Begatto Jr.
    New Castle County Department of Community Services
    Gilliam Building
    77 Reads Way, New Castle, DE 19720
    (302) 395-5624


  • Assigned YWDP Coordinator


New Castle County will:

  • Develop service strategies for each participant that identifies work readiness, employment goals, appropriate achievement objectives and appropriate services for the participant.
  • Compensate youth participants at the wage of $15.00/hour.
  • Monitor and conduct on-site visits with youth and site supervisors.
  • Provide supportive services during the program.


Partner organization will:

  • Provide the following for each position:
    • Job descriptions
    • Responsibilities
    • Performance targets
  • Ensure that all direct supervisors where youth will be placed attend the employer orientation and training prior to the start of the YWDP program.
  • Place youth in meaningful employment opportunities.
  • Help youth acquire the personal attributes, knowledge and skills needed to obtain a job by providing mentorship within the workplace.
  • Provide adequate supervision to ensure a safe and successful work experience.
  • Provide leadership development opportunities which encourage responsibility and other positive social behaviors.
  • Prepare and submit timely reports to the County as required, including, but not limited to: timesheets, evaluations and surveys.
  • Comply with all State and Federal labor laws and standards.
  • Assist with payroll documentation including proofing for accuracy, approval, maintaining copies, and submission of timesheets every Friday by Noon.


III. Indemnification

Partner shall defend and indemnify and hold harmless the County of New Castle, its Departments, and their respective managers, officers, employees, board members, elected or appointed officials, agents and representatives, from and against all allegations, claims, actions, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees and costs) which arise out of or relate to (1) death or bodily injury or (2) loss of or damage to personal and real property resulting from any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Partner or its directors, officers, employees, agents, stockholders, affiliates, and subcontractors.


IV. Insurance

The County is required to provide workers? compensation coverage for each Youth Employee as part of the County?s workers? compensation program. Partners are responsible, at their cost, for obtaining the following insurance coverage and providing proof of same to the County at least thirty (30) days before the start of the YWDP:

  • Commercial General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit, per occurrence, and $2,000,000 aggregate. New Castle County should be identified as an additional insured under the policy.
  • Automobile Liability: If vehicles or mobile equipment are used in the performance of the YWDP, automobile liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including owned, hired and non-owned vehicle coverage.


V. Terms of Agreement

This agreement is valid for one year from the below noted approval date. This agreement may be extended upon written mutual agreement. It shall be reviewed upon request by either party to ensure that it is fulfilling its purpose and to make any necessary revisions.

Either organization may terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice without penalties or liabilities.


VI. Authorization

Each person executing this Agreement represents that he or she has been duly authorized to do so by all requisite action on the part of the party on whose behalf he or she is signing, and that in so doing, he or she shall bind such party to all of the terms and conditions in this Agreement.

"I Agree"